Related topics: population

How immigrants expand the U.S. economy

In the United States, the economic impact of immigration is a lightning-rod topic that sparks strong feelings on both sides. Opponents have long held that immigrants take away jobs from American citizens and lower wage standards. ...

Study predicts millions of unsellable homes could upend market

Millions of American homes could become unsellable—or could be sold at significant losses to their senior-citizen owners—between now and 2040, according to new research from the University of Arizona.

Researchers evaluate 2020 census data privacy changes

After the U.S. Census Bureau announced that it was changing how it protects the identities of individuals for the 2020 Census, a Penn State-led research team began to evaluate how these changes may affect census data integrity.

How predictive modeling could help cities reopen more safely

How many people can safely shop in the same grocery store? Are masks really important? Is six feet far enough? Increasingly specific social distancing questions are weighing on states and municipalities as they inch toward ...

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