New animations breathe life into complex scientific concepts

The fundamental process of cellular respiration—how cells make energy—has been brought to life in a new series of biomedical animations created by, in partnership with HHMI Biointeractive, an initiative of the ...

Researchers reveal molecular structures involved in plant respiration

All plants and animals respire, releasing energy from food. At the cellular level, this process occurs in the mitochondria. But there are differences at the molecular level between how plants and animals extract energy from ...

Reenergizing antibiotics in the war against infections

Antibiotics are the mainstay in the treatment of bacterial infections, and together with vaccines, have enabled the near eradication of infectious diseases like tuberculosis, at least in developed countries. However, the ...

DNA damage: The dark side of respiration

( —Adventitious changes in cellular DNA can endanger the whole organism, as they may lead to life-threatening illnesses like cancer. Researchers at LMU now report how byproducts of respiration cause mispairing ...

Key protein in cellular respiration discovered

Many diseases derive from problems with cellular respiration, the process through which cells extract energy from nutrients. Researchers at the Swedish medical university Karolinska Institutet have now discovered a new function ...

What stinks? The role of hydrogen sulfide in the gut

Whoever smelt it dealt it … especially if what's been dealt smells like rotten eggs. The culprit behind that eggy stink is hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a colorless, pungent gas produced by both mammalian and bacterial cells ...

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