Cell protein interactions favor fats

For cells to signal each other to carry out their vital work, could the cell membrane's lipids -- or fats -- play a role in buttering-up the process? A research group led by University of Illinois at Chicago chemistry professor ...

Review: iCloud 'just works' for songs, so far

Syncing music from your iPhone or iPad across computers has got to be one of the least enjoyable experiences in Apple's computing ecosystem. The advent of iCloud was meant to lift the headaches of this cord-reliant process ...

Review: New BlackBerrys improved, but lackluster

Well before the iPhone, BlackBerry gained its "CrackBerry" nickname for its seemingly vital place in users' lives. Lately, however, the surging popularity of Apple's gadget and smartphones running Google's Android software ...

Hacker drone launches airborne cyber attacks

Computer security specialists showed off a homemade drone aircraft Friday capable of launching airborne cyber attacks, hijacking mobile phone calls, or even delivering a dirty bomb.

Mobile Internet device performs unevenly in debut

If you could take broadband Internet with you, where would you take it? To an airport, a coffee shop or - this being Los Angeles - the beach, where you can surf the Net while watching surfers ride the waves?

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