Resolving water's electrical properties

An old confusion about the electrical properties of water's surface has ended, thanks to scientists at Pacific Northwest and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. The conflict arose because two types of measurements gave ...

New solar cell self-repairs like natural plant systems

( -- Researchers are creating a new type of solar cell designed to self-repair like natural photosynthetic systems in plants by using carbon nanotubes and DNA, an approach aimed at increasing service life and ...

Researchers develop a way to funnel solar energy

( -- Using carbon nanotubes (hollow tubes of carbon atoms), MIT chemical engineers have found a way to concentrate solar energy 100 times more than a regular photovoltaic cell. Such nanotubes could form antennas ...

Nanoparticles Increase Intensity of Quantum Dots' Glow

( -- Demonstration of precision DNA-based nanoassembly method for making light-emitting particle clusters could lead to advances in solar cells, optoelectronics, and biosensors

A Straightforward Solution for Increasing Solar Cell Performance

( -- Brookhaven National Laboratory researchers recently demonstrated improved stability and efficiency of a certain type of solar cell by incorporating a commercially available additive into the fabrication process.

Shining Light on Graphene-Metal Interactions

( -- By controlling the layered growth of graphene - a relatively "new" form of carbon that's just a single atom thick - researchers at Brookhaven National Laboratory have uncovered intriguing details about the ...

New Path To Solar Energy Via Solid-State Photovoltaics

( -- Berkeley Lab researchers have found a new mechanism by which the photovoltaic effect can take place in semiconductor thin-films. This new path to energy production brightens the future for photovoltaic technology ...

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