Bacterial soundtracks revealed by graphene membrane

Have you ever wondered if bacteria make distinctive sounds? If we could listen to bacteria, we would be able to know whether they are alive or not. When bacteria are killed using an antibiotic, those sounds would stop—unless ...

Layered graphene sheets could solve hydrogen storage issues

Graphene -- carbon formed into sheets a single atom thick -- now appears to be a promising base material for capturing hydrogen, according to recent research* at the National Institute of Standards and Technology and the ...

The Nanotechnology of Sundew and English Ivy

Fifteen small sundew plants perch on a window sill, collecting sunlight and eating meat in the lab of Mingjun Zhang on the University of Tennessee's Knoxville campus. Sundew plants are carnivores, consuming insects by capturing ...

Through the Wire: A New Nanocatalyst Synthesis Technique

( -- Materials containing bimetallic nanoparticles are attractive in vast technological fields because of their unique catalytic, electronic, and magnetic properties. One of the most promising of the bunch is ...

Engineered protein crystals make cells magnetic

If scientists could give living cells magnetic properties, they could perhaps manipulate cellular activities with external magnetic fields. But previous attempts to magnetize cells by producing iron-containing proteins inside ...

New Path To Solar Energy Via Solid-State Photovoltaics

( -- Berkeley Lab researchers have found a new mechanism by which the photovoltaic effect can take place in semiconductor thin-films. This new path to energy production brightens the future for photovoltaic technology ...

Nanosensors could aid drug manufacturing

MIT chemical engineers have discovered that arrays of billions of nanoscale sensors have unique properties that could help pharmaceutical companies produce drugs—especially those based on antibodies—more safely and efficiently.

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