Stamping out low cost nanodevices

( -- A simple technique for stamping patterns invisible to the human eye onto a special class of nanomaterials provides a new, cost-effective way to produce novel devices in areas ranging from drug delivery to ...

Photovoltaic invention brings inventor acclaim

( -- An invention by a South Dakota State University engineer could improve alternative energy technologies by making it easier for scientists to test new devices.

Reusable templates for the production of nanowires

Scientists from Argonne National Laboratory CNM's Nanofabrication and Electronic and Magnetic Materials and Devices groups, working with users from the University of Wisconsin-Stevenson Point, discovered a fast, simple, scalable ...

Resolving water's electrical properties

An old confusion about the electrical properties of water's surface has ended, thanks to scientists at Pacific Northwest and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories. The conflict arose because two types of measurements gave ...

Major advance in understanding how nanowires form

New insights into why and how nanowires take the form they do will have profound implications for the development of future electronic components. PhD student Peter Krogstrup from the Nano-Science Center at the Niels Bohr ...

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