Cell death occurs in the same way in plants, animals and humans

Research has previously assumed that animals and plants developed different genetic programs for cell death. Now an international constellation of research teams, including one at the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, ...

The amazing maze of maize evolution

Understanding the evolution and domestication of maize has been a holy grail for many researchers. As one of the most important crops worldwide and as a crop that appears very different from its wild relatives as a result ...

GPS phone apps gaining ground

I got my first GPS device just two years ago, and I like it a lot. Nonetheless, I'm ready to replace the gadget with something better: my phone.

Researchers rapidly turn bacteria into biotech factories

High-throughput sequencing has turned biologists into voracious genome readers, enabling them to scan millions of DNA letters, or bases, per hour. When revising a genome, however, they struggle, suffering from serious writer's ...

How mitochondria get their membranes bent

Underneath their smooth surface mitochondria harbor an elaborately folded inner membrane. It holds a multitude of bottleneck like invaginations, which expand into elongated cavities. Now researchers have identified two proteins ...

Non-wovens as scaffolds for artificial tissue

(PhysOrg.com) -- In future, cartilage, tendon and blood vessel tissue will be produced in the laboratory, with cells being grown on a porous frame, such as non-wovens. A new software program helps to characterize and optimize ...

Sometimes it's just easier to use a pencil

I wonder sometimes how I got along without many of today's technological marvels. The personal computer is the one that stands out most to me but before I get into that, I decided to list some of the technology items that ...

MicroRNA undermines tumor suppression

A small piece of RNA, or microRNA (miRNA), ratchets down the activity of the tumor-suppressor gene p53, according to a study by Whitehead Institute and National University of Singapore researchers.

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