Nokia introduces 5230 touch phone

The latest addition in the Nokia touch phone portfolio, the Nokia 5230, is designed for those who lead an active life and use their mobile phone as their primary instrument for music, photos and videos, as well as sharing ...

Description of mechanism that halts solar eruptions

Among the most feared events in space physics are solar eruptions, massive explosions that hurl millions of tons of plasma gas and radiation into space. These outbursts can be deadly: if the first moon-landing mission had ...

Hackers gain access to transit police union site

(AP) -- Hackers on Wednesday again targeted a California transit agency that came under fire last week for turning off cell phone service in its stations to thwart a potential protest.

For needy, cell phones can be free

An obscure federal program that helps poor people pay for phone service is entering the wireless era. Cell phone companies are offering the needy a bargain that the rest of us can only dream about: free service.

Team produces unique simulation of magnetic reconnection

Jonathan Ng, a Princeton University graduate student at the U.S. Department of Energy's (DOE) Princeton Plasma Physics Laboratory (PPPL), has for the first time applied a fluid simulation to the space plasma process behind ...

Moose tracking: There's an app for that

Ecologists in the University of Alberta's Department of Biological Sciences have developed an app to improve population modeling for moose, asking hunters record the number of moose they see while hunting in Alberta.

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