Breakthrough could double wireless capacity with no new towers

The days of waiting for smartphones to upload video may be numbered. Rice University engineering researchers have made a breakthrough that could allow wireless phone companies to double throughput on their networks without ...

US seeks light on shadowy online data collection

US regulators called Tuesday for more transparency from data brokers, citing potential for abuse in a rapidly growing industry that buys and sells information on people's Internet and offline activities.

Mathematicians analyze social divisions using cell phone data

Differences divide us. Human society fractures along lines defined by politics, religion, ethnicity, and perhaps most fundamentally, language. Although these differences contribute to the great variety of human lives, the ...

Court: Judges can demand warrant for cell locales

(AP) -- Judges have the right to require warrants before police get cell phone records that could suggest a customer's likely location, a U.S. appeals court ruled Tuesday in a novel electronic privacy case.

Using cell phone networks to monitor volcanic activity

A paper published February 9 in Earth, Planets and Space by Japanese earth science researchers analyzed the potential of a dense Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) network, which is installed at cell phone base stations, ...

Cell phone signals offer massive trove of travel data

Every hour of every day cell phones are generating data which transportation planners, real estate developers and investors use to help them to understand traffic flows, shopping patterns and population shifts.

Technology convergence may widen the digital divide

( -- Technology is helping communication companies merge telephone, television and Internet services, but a push to deregulate may leave some customers on the wrong side of the digital divide during this convergence, ...

Sprint gains contract subscribers in 4Q

(AP) -- Sprint Nextel Corp. said Thursday it managed to post a quarterly net gain of contract subscribers for the first time since 2007, as its turnaround continues.

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