ManuCloud: Integrating the solar cell supply chain online

Global demand for renewable energy sources has created a burgeoning manufacturing sector for bespoke light-emitting diodes and solar cells. Europe needs to capitalise on this transition from mass production to more personalised, ...

Researchers use nanoparticles to fight cancer

Researchers at the University of Georgia are developing a new treatment technique that uses nanoparticles to reprogram immune cells so they are able to recognize and attack cancer. The findings were published recently in ...

Cellular network transforms fungus when temperatures rise

( —When the infectious fungus Histoplasma capsulatum feels the temperature start to rise, it undergoes a transformation. As it shifts its shape from long filaments to oval cells, the pathogen switches on genes ...

Team charts new understanding of actin filament growth in cells

University of Oregon biochemists have determined how tiny synthetic molecules disrupt an important actin-related molecular machine in cells in one study and, in a second one, the crystal structure of that machine when bound ...

Biomedical research reveals secrets of cell behavior

( —Knowing virtually everything about how the body's cells make transitions from one state to another – for instance, precisely how particular cells develop into multi-cellular organisms – would be a major ...

Long distance calls by sugar molecules

All our cells wear a coat of sugar molecules, so-called glycans. ETH Zurich and Empa researchers have now discovered that glycans rearrange water molecules over long distances. This may have an effect on how cells sense each ...

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