Finding meaning in gene expression 'noise'

Static models of gene regulation networks are inevitably oversimplified, indicating how one gene specifically switches certain target genes on while turning others off. However, the reality is much more dynamic and thus noisier. ...

Social network connects widely scattered Puerto Rican scientists

A social network designed in 2006 by a young Yale professor to link Hispanic scientists now boasts more than 6,500 members and has not only spurred research collaborations, but has increased interest in science among Hispanic ...

Innovative technology addresses wireless interference

Imagine a room with several people in it, all talking at the same time. With everyone competing to speak, it's hard to hear any one person clearly. Wireless networks, being a shared medium, struggle with a similar problem ...

Solar energy for sensor nodes

Tiny solar cells applied directly to a silicon chip are a potential way of efficiently and reliably powering wireless sensor networks in the future. Above all, this would simplify large-scale applications, for instance in ...

Scientist creates solution for looming broadband shortage

A new technology could help manage a potential data tsunami that might otherwise drastically restrict the use of smartphones, tablets and other wireless data technologies because of a nationwide mobile wireless broadband ...

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