New clues about the basis of muscle wasting disease

New findings that shed light on how genetic damage to muscle cell proteins can lead to the development of the rare muscle-wasting disease, nemaline myopathy, are reported today (15 March) in the Biochemical Journal.

Japan researchers close in on stem cell trial

Researchers in Japan have moved one step closer to clinical trials using adult stem cells in a therapy they hope will prove a cure for common sight problems, an official said Thursday.

Researchers discover molecular light switch in photoreceptor cells

How our eyes detect and respond to changes in light intensity is determined by specialized cells in the eye called photoreceptors. In addition to converting light into electrical signals, effectively allowing us to see, rod-shaped ...

A first glimpse into disc shedding in the human eye

An elusive biological cycle in the eye - the daily disposal and regeneration of the end tips of photoreceptor cells - has been captured in images for the first time in a living human eye. Photoreceptors are light-sensitive ...

Researcher predicts stem cell fate with software

A software program created by an engineer at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee (UWM) can not only predict the types of specialized cells a stem cell will produce, but also foresee the outcome before the stem cell even ...

Customized programming of human stem cells

Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPS) have the potential to convert into a wide variety of cell types and tissues for drug testing and cell replacement therapies. However, the "recipes" for this conversion are often complicated ...

Researchers seek genes responsible for good eyesight

Many people suffer from eye diseases that can lead to blindness in the worst cases. Eye-related diseases including cataracts, glaucoma and macular degeneration are well described; nevertheless, the underlying causative genes ...

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