The perfect tempo within the cells to develop vertebrae

Timing is everything when it comes to the embryonic development of pre-vertebrae divisions along the body of an embryo, according to researchers in Japan. A new live-imaging technique in mouse cells suggests a specific clock ...

Using electronics to solve common biological problems

What do an electrical engineer, an organic chemist, a materials scientist and a cell biologist all have in common? They invent and improve applications at the interface of biology and electronics.

New computational method builds detailed maps of human tissues

Weill Cornell Medicine researchers have developed a computational method to map the architecture of human tissues in unprecedented detail. Their approach promises to accelerate studies on organ-scale cellular interactions ...

New discovery: Plaice are spotted (on the inside)

Have you seen a spotted plaice? Probably. However, marine biologist Helen Nilsson Skold at the University of Gothenburg is the first person to research the spotted insides of plaice.

Global research team fills language gap in plant science

To keep pace with the fast-evolving study of cellular plant science, an international team of researchers has created terminology and definitions likely to become everyday language in laboratories and university classrooms ...

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