Origins of Uranus' oddities explained by Japanese astronomers

The ice giant Uranus' unusual attributes have long puzzled scientists. All of the planets in the solar system revolve around the sun in the same direction and in the same plane, which astronomers believe is a vestige of how ...

Physicist makes new high-res panorama of Milky Way

Cobbling together 3000 individual photographs, a physicist has made a new high-resolution panoramic image of the full night sky, with the Milky Way galaxy as its centerpiece. Axel Mellinger, a professor at Central Michigan ...

A naked-eye comet invites itself to the March sky, 2013

It will appear in the West at sunset, from around the 8th to the 13th of March 2013, and will be visible to the naked eye up to the end of the month. Comet Pan-Starrs C/2011 L4 will traverse Cetus, Pisces, Pegasus and Andromeda. ...

Video: The universe in a box: Preparing for Euclid's survey

ESA's Euclid mission will create a 3D-map of the universe that scientists will use to measure the properties of dark energy and dark matter and uncover the nature of these mysterious components. The map will contain a vast ...

Image: Gaia satellite sky scan

This may look like a brightly decorated Easter egg wrapping, but it actually represents how ESA's Gaia satellite scanned the sky during its first 14 months of science operations, between July 2014 and September 2015.