Research documents domestic cattle genetics in modern bison herds

A new study published in the journal Scientific Reports has revealed the strongest evidence to date that all bison in North America carry multiple small, but clearly identifiable, regions of DNA that originated from domestic ...

Sheep backpacks reveal flocking strategy

UK researchers have shown for the first time that instead of fleeing randomly when faced with danger, sheep head straight for the center of the flock.

Is bird flu in cattle here to stay?

Despite assurances from the federal government that bird flu will be eradicated from the nation's dairy cows, some experts worry the disease is here to stay.

Livestock disease risk tied to herd management style

A new study provides an updated picture of the prevalence of the sheep and goat plague virus (PPRV), a widespread and often fatal disease that threatens 80 percent of the world's sheep and goats, in northern Tanzania.

Developing test for disease-carrying `Trojan cows'

University of Adelaide researchers are developing a test to help eliminate hidden carriers of a significant disease in Australian cattle herds, commonly known as Bovine Pestivirus.

Cattle disease bacteria widespread in the UK

A new study has found that bacteria responsible for chronic intestinal inflammation in cattle, which have also been implicated in Crohn's disease in humans, are widespread in the UK countryside.

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