Nokia Siemens to buy Motorola wireless gear unit

(AP) -- Motorola Inc. said Monday that it is selling most of its wireless network division to Nokia Siemens Networks, a Finnish-German joint venture, for $1.2 billion as part of a planned breakup of the company.

Apps help smartphones become digital wallets

Wouldn't it be nice to forget your wallet - permanently? That day is coming sooner than you think. In the walletless future there will be no credit cards to lose, no cash to carry and no concert tickets to leave at home. ...

Google debuts mobile-pay service in second try

Google's answer to the Apple Pay mobile-payment service is debuting in the U.S., marking a do-over by the company behind the world's most-used operating system for smartphones.

FCC adopts rules to drive wireless competition

(AP) -- Federal regulators adopted rules Thursday to drive more competition in wireless broadband as more people access the Internet using iPhones and other popular mobile devices.

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