Haiti text donations to Red Cross pass $5M (Update)

(AP) -- U.S. cell phone users have contributed more than $5 million in $10 increments to the Red Cross for Haiti disaster relief, by far the largest outpouring of support via mobile devices in history.

Guide to breaking cell phone security revealed

(AP) -- A German security expert has raised the ire of the cell phone industry after he and a group of researchers posted online a how-to guide for cracking the encryption that keeps the calls of GSM-standard cell phone users ...

Google sharpens aim on mobile marketing with AdMob

(AP) -- Four years ago, Omar Hamoui was just another ineffectual entrepreneur trying to spruce up his resume in graduate school. Now, he's poised to become Google Inc.'s newest weapon as the company aims to extend its dominance ...

Google tests new phone to profit from mobile Web

(AP) -- Google Inc. is determined to gain more influence over how the Web is used on mobile phones, even if the next step in the quest tramples some of the relationships forged during its two-year expansion into the wireless ...

Google hints at making mobile telephone

The Internet on Saturday buzzed with renewed rumors of Google making its own smartphone, after the Internet powerhouse said it is internally dabbling with a mobile device.

GAO: FCC must improve wireless industry oversight

(AP) -- Federal regulators receive tens of thousands of customer complaints about wireless services every year, but don't do enough to follow up or to protect consumers who have problems with their mobile carriers, government ...

Dell smart phone to debut in China, Brazil

(AP) -- Dell Inc. is officially jumping into the "smart" phone market this month in a deal with China's biggest wireless carrier, China Mobile Ltd.

How Perfect Can Graphene Be?

(PhysOrg.com) -- Physicists have investigated the purest graphene to date, and have found that the material possesses unprecedented high electronic quality. The discovery has raised the bar for this relatively new material, ...

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