The nutrition behind good sperm

Males with low sperm quality probably won't get much help from dining down on fish oil supplements and a bag of carrots, recent aquatic-based research suggests.

Birds of a feather create new species together—and here's how

Starlings have an image problem in Australia. These drab invaders are best known as pests of orchards and shopping centres. If you take a trip to see their African relatives though, you'll find starlings are some of the most ...

A warbler's flashy yellow throat? There are genes for that

Birds get their bright red, orange and yellow plumage from carotenoid pigments—responsible for many of the same bright colours in plants. But how songbirds turn carotenoids into the spectacular variety of feathered patches ...

How plants expand their capacity to use solar energy

Green plants capture light that spans the visible solar spectrum, and while a broad spectral range is required for sufficient absorption, the process requires energy to be funneled rapidly and efficiently downhill to drive ...

Specialty greens pack a nutritional punch

"Microgreens" is a marketing term used to describe edible greens which germinate from the seeds of vegetables and herbs and are harvested without roots at the seedling stage. The plants at the seedling stage have two fully ...

Shedding light on the brown color of algae

For many people, algae are just an odorous nuisance on their vacation beach or unwelcome guests in the garden pond and aquarium. This does not take into account, however, the enormous effects these mostly microscopic aquatic ...

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