Branson gets clean energy commitments in Caribbean

Political delegations from several small Caribbean islands who gathered this week on British tycoon Richard Branson's private isle committed Thursday to working with his renewable energy nonprofit and move at a faster pace ...

Reconstructing the New World monkey family tree

When monkeys landed in South America 37 or more million years ago, the long-isolated continent already teemed with a menagerie of 30-foot snakes, giant armadillos and strange, hoofed mammals. Over time, the monkeys forged ...

World's first mapping of America's rare plants

The results of a major international research project show that climate stability plays a crucial role in the distribution of plants on Earth. Rare species in the Americas are restricted to areas of California, Mexico, the ...

Encroaching sea already a threat in Caribbean

The old coastal road in this fishing village at the eastern edge of Grenada sits under a couple of feet of murky saltwater, which regularly surges past a hastily-erected breakwater of truck tires and bundles of driftwood ...

Cuba faces vast land losses as sea levels rise

Cuba risks losing a vast stretch of beach front homes and pristine coastal habitat by 2050, because of rapidly rising sea levels, a top environmental official warned Thursday.

Capsizing ends trans-Atlantic rowing attempt (Update)

Two Canadians and two Americans attempting to set a world record for an unassisted, human-powered row across the Atlantic Ocean have been rescued after a rogue wave capsized their boat after 73 days at sea, the U.S. Coast ...

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