Playing nice at work could cost you success

If you're struggling to say "no" at work and instead feel the need to constantly assist coworkers you might be compromising your success. As sad as it sounds, research shows that being agreeable can come at a cost in terms ...

Study finds that cumulative experiences develop IT skills

Expanding the range of black men's career options in an increasingly technology-oriented world will help alleviate high unemployment and poverty they often experience, according to a study examining the career paths of successful ...

What drives people to spend hours commuting to and from work?

There is indeed a glamorous side to the star performer who "spends half his life in the air between New York and Singapore." Then there is the reality of people who spend two hours every day in a train, bus or car. Sociologists ...

Study shows family solution to teen troubles

( -- How do you keep at-risk teens off drugs and out of trouble? According to a new University of Georgia study, family can make a difference.

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