Study looks at millennials in the workplace

IBM today announced that pretty much everything you thought you knew about Millennials could well be wrong. A new IBM study reveals much of the hype about Millennial employees simply isn't true. They aren't the "lazy, entitled, ...

Study shows family solution to teen troubles

( -- How do you keep at-risk teens off drugs and out of trouble? According to a new University of Georgia study, family can make a difference.

Link between high schoolers' hopes, educational attainment

Turns out the high school guidance counselor was right. Students who have high aspirations and put thought into their futures during their high school years tend to reach higher levels of educational attainment, according ...

Study updates impacts of Plainridge Park Casino

The Plainridge Park Casino has created job opportunities for the unemployed and underemployed, among other economic benefits, without an increase in problem gambling, according to University of Massachusetts Amherst researchers ...

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