Models to predict scientists' future impact often fail

Models universities partially use to forecast scientists' future contributions are not as reliable as previously thought. In a recent study, Aalto University and IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca researchers demonstrate ...

COVID has had an impact on academics' well-being

The COVID pandemic has had a considerable impact on academics' work and well-being. They have had much less time to spend on their research. The Young Academy and the Dutch Network of Women Professors have conducted research ...

Women missing out on workplace mentoring post #MeToo

It's well known that mentoring opportunities are critical for development and career advancement, and are associated with greater job satisfaction and increased earnings and promotions.

Exploring the emergence of Malaysian “commuter families”

Around the world, the numbers of dual-income, dual-household families is on the rise, fuelled by such reasons as the desire of spouses to improve their lifestyle, obtain a higher family income, or pursue better opportunities ...

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