How words matter when facing the problem of children in care

New research from the Institute of Population Health at the University of Liverpool calls for unflinching conversations about what poverty and financial stress can do to families, and the impact on children's risk of entering ...

How should Japan make use of vacant homes in old new towns?

During Japan's 1960–90 population boom, new towns sprouted up across the nation. These new towns were quiet residential neighborhoods of suburban areas, many of which are now shrinking in terms of inhabitants. They have ...

Big brands are 'failing to curb plastic sachet use'

Small plastic sachets commonly used in low- and middle-income countries must be phased out and packaging reuse systems promoted, urge campaigners and waste pickers, as new analysis reveals major corporations have failed to ...

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Career is defined by the Oxford English Dictionary as a person's "course or progress through life (or a distinct portion of life)". It is usually considered to pertain to remunerative work (and sometimes also formal education).

The etymology of the term comes from the Latin word carrera, which means race (as in "rat race", see Careerism).

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