Pocket test measures 50 things in a drop of blood

(Phys.org)—A new device about the size of a business card could allow health care providers to test for insulin and other blood proteins, cholesterol, and even signs of viral or bacterial infection all at the same time—with ...

Mexican-American children lag in preliteracy skills, study finds

(Phys.org)—Mexican-American preschoolers fall behind their white counterparts in terms of early language and pre-literacy skills, but the social competencies between the two groups are indistinguishable, according to new ...

Tiny 'speed bump' device could sort cancer cells

In life, we sort soiled laundry from clean; ripe fruit from rotten. Two Johns Hopkins engineers say they have found an easy way to use gravity or simple forces to similarly sort microscopic particles and bits of biologicalmatter ...

New report could improve lives of Missouri women, researcher says

Though women are better represented in the workforce and in higher education institutions, they still face barriers in employment, education and health care access and are more likely to live in poverty. Now, a University ...

Theft of data on 4M patients part of wider problem

The theft of a computer containing information on more than 4 million patients of a major Northern California health care provider may be among the largest breaches of health care data in recent years, but it's far from the ...

Digital health tech on display at electronics show

Technology companies showed off the latest innovations on the digital health care front at the annual Consumer Electronics Show (CES) alongside the newest smartphones, touchscreen tablet computers and 3D television sets.

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