Cambridge team exposes EMV card vulnerabilities

(—At a cryptography gathering in Leuven, Belgium, on Tuesday, Cambridge University researchers made it known that they do not like what they see in chip and pin systems. Banks rely on customer confidence in their ...

Chip and pin terminals shown to harvest customer info

( -- For all customers, merchants and restaurant owners making use of card readers for transactions, well, this is not the best of news. Experts have found a security flaw in chip and PIN terminals that allows thieves ...

Colorful creates passively cooled Nvidia graphics card

With a big enough heatsink, can a high-end graphics card be passively cooled? No fan? No noise? China-based manufacturer Colorful showed off its answer, introduced at Computex earlier this month. Colorful has what it says ...

Electric Imp serves up plants-thirsty, lights-on control

( -- Electric Imp wants to revive the dream of All Things Internet with its new device launched this week. Its Imp is able to connect devices to the Internet, where you can monitor and control information from your ...

Exotic metamaterials will change optics

Duke University engineers believe that continued advances in creating ever-more exotic and sophisticated man-made materials will greatly improve their ability to control light at will.

NEC goes ultra-thin with 0.3mm-thick batteries

( -- NEC, which has been working on what is called "organic radical battery" (ORB) technology for some years, has announced its latest ORB breakthrough, the 0.3mm thick ORB. According to, the output rated ...

Attacking the edges of secure Internet traffic

(AP) -- Researchers have uncovered new ways that criminals can spy on Internet users even if they're using secure connections to banks, online retailers or other sensitive Web sites.

Spy suspects allegedly used regular consumer tech

Before James Bond heads out on a mission, he has to stop in Q's laboratory for custom-made gadgets such as an exploding watch. Life wasn't so dashing for the suspected Russian spies arrested this week: They allegedly relied ...

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