Card downloads your memories before you forget

If you tend to forget or neglect to move photo treasures from your digital camera to your computer, an Eye-Fi card should interest you. This clever photo memory card handles that meddlesome task for you -- and now it does ...

Small businesses see mobile payments as chance to lower costs

Urban Bean manager Liz Abene started hunting for a new way to process card payments after the coffee shop's transaction fees skyrocketed. It was costing $60 a month, she said, just to have the credit card equipment on the ...

Plastic a valuable option for farmers' markets

Farmers' markets wanting to increase purchases by customers should consider accepting more than just cash or checks as payment, according to Washington State University researchers.

Payment startup Square rolls out iPad sales app

(AP) -- First, mobile payment service Square made it easier for merchants to accept credit cards anytime, anywhere, with just a smart phone and a tiny, plastic credit-card reader. Now the startup led by Twitter co-founder ...

Square streamlines payment via mobile 'tabs'

Square, Jack Dorsey's mobile payments startup, was founded on the idea that it could simplify the way the world pays for goods and services.

Mobile-payment companies roll out new toys for businesses

Forget ka-ching. It's all tap-tap these days. Restaurants and shop owners fed up with antiquated cash registers and expensive credit card terminals are switching to cheaper devices that plug into smartphones and tablets. ...

Finding our own little worlds has never been easier

What an author won't do for a book. In 2004, San Jose State University associate professor Andy Wood decided to embark upon an experiment: He would fly from San Jose to New York, rent a car and drive back the 3,000 miles ...

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