Related topics: carbon

Human behavior sabotages carbon dioxide-reducing strategies

For the past 150 years, humans have pumped extraordinary amounts of greenhouse gasses, such as CO2, into the atmosphere and warmed the planet at an alarming rate. To slow down climate change, societies tend to focus on two ...

Earthly lava tubes may offer insights into extraterrestrial life

Since 1997, NASA has successfully landed five rovers on Mars. The rovers have beamed back data that indicate life cannot survive on the Martian surface; we do not know whether life persists below the ground, however. For ...

Leak and destroy: On the hunt for climate killing gas

After finding a rusty gas canister near his midwest US home, Rick Karas checked online if it was worth anything. Incredibly, it turned out to be a coveted commodity in the battle against climate change.

A greener Games? Tokyo 2020's environmental impact

Olympics organisers have pledged to prioritise sustainability at the Tokyo Games in an attempt to demonstrate how countries such as Japan—a top carbon emitter—can work towards a greener future.

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