Researchers pioneer molecular catalyser

Scientists in Sweden have developed a molecular catalyser with the ability to quickly oxidise water to oxygen. Presented in the journal Nature Chemistry, the results are a significant contribution to the future use of solar ...

Humble plants may save the planet

Marine ecologists call them seagrass meadows. They once wrapped Australia's coastline providing sanctuary and food for dugongs and turtles, habitats for fish to breed and myriad other ecosystem services such as nutrient recycling ...

German greenhouse gas emissions rose in 2012

Germany saw increased emissions in greenhouse gases last year due to more coal and gas usage while the country seeks to develop its renewable energy sources, officials said Monday.

How to curb emissions? Put a price on carbon

Literally putting a price on carbon pollution and other greenhouse gasses is the best approach for nurturing the rapid growth of renewable energy and reducing emissions.

Carbon pricing works, major meta-study finds

Between 5 and 21% emission reductions: this is the empirically measured effect of carbon pricing systems in their first few years of operation. A research team now identifies these findings for 17 real-world climate policies ...

China produces as much CO2 per person as Europe: report

China's carbon dioxide (CO2) levels soared in 2011, putting its per capita emissions on a par for the first time with those of Europe, while global levels of the greenhouse gas hit another all-time high, a report released ...

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