Rising fuel price casts shadow on Geneva auto show

(AP) -- The car industry, it seems, just can't get a break. Just when automakers thought it safe to roll out new models in the wake of the devastating economic crisis - 170 premiers are advertised for the Geneva Auto Show ...

'Radical' clean energy shift could save 4 tn euros: WWF

The environmental group WWF argued on Thursday that a radical, near total global shift to clean fuels within 40 years could yield savings of four trillion euros ($5.4 trillion) a year as well as tackle climate change.

New China pollution targets inadequate: Greenpeace

Environmental group Greenpeace on Monday praised China for setting new pollution targets but said the measures fell well short of what was needed to curb the country's world-beating carbon emissions.

China says 2010 pollution goal met

China has met its 2010 target to cut emissions of key pollutants and is on track to meet its energy efficiency goal, state media on Wednesday quoted the country's top climate change official as saying.

EU unveils trillion-euro single energy market

The European Union's energy chief Wednesday unveiled an ambitious 10-year trillion-euro energy investment plan for a single EU energy network to cut fossil fuel imports and fight climate change.

The next carbon capture tool could be new, improved grass

(PhysOrg.com) -- A blade of grass destined to be converted into biofuel may join energy efficiency and other big-ticket strategies in the effort to reduce atmospheric carbon -- but not in the way that you might think.

China's wind power capacity to grow five-fold by 2020

China's wind power capacity will increase more than five-fold over the next decade from 2009, a report forecast on Wednesday, as the country steps up its drive to develop clean energy.

What's your eco-attitude?

Academics at the University of Derby are using the virtual reality platform Second Life to gauge people's unconscious attitudes towards 'green' issues such as recycling.

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