Australia carbon tax repeal a 'perfect storm of stupidity'

Australia's axing of its carbon tax and a plan to replace it by offering incentives to polluters to increase their energy efficiency is "the perfect storm of stupidity", scientists and academics argue.

Solar panels light the way from carbon dioxide to fuel

Research to curb global warming caused by rising levels of atmospheric greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, usually involves three areas: Developing alternative energy sources, capturing and storing greenhouse gases, ...

Team models photosynthesis and finds room for improvement

( —Teaching crop plants to concentrate carbon dioxide in their leaves could increase photosynthetic efficiency by 60 percent and yields by as much as 40 percent, researchers report in a new study.

EU on track for climate targets

The European Union is on track to meet its 2020 targets for reducing carbon emissions and switching to cleaner energy sources, its environmental watchdog said on Wednesday.

Clock ticking for Obama climate change push

President Barack Obama is running out of time to make good on his lofty vow to confront climate change head-on, and Congress is in no mood to help.

Obama to propose 'national plan' on climate change

US President Barack Obama will give a major speech on climate change Tuesday in which he will propose a "national plan" to curb carbon pollution despite resistance from Congress.

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