Five myths about diesel engines

( -- Diesel engines, long confined to trucks and ships, are garnering more interest for their fuel efficiency and reduced carbon dioxide emissions, relative to gasoline engines. Argonne mechanical engineer Steve ...

Factory is where our computers eat up most energy

( -- Home and office energy conservation must focus on more than developing computers, appliances and other electronics that require less power to operate. Engineers say there are big energy-efficiency gains to ...

Europe pushes plans to hike diesel, coal taxation

The European Commission pushed controversial plans Wednesday for a tax on carbon emissions to promote clean energy use by increasing the cost of dirty fuels such as coal and diesel.

Nature paper calls for carbon labeling

Labeling products with information on the size of the carbon footprint they leave behind could help both consumers and manufacturers make better, environmentally friendly choices.

Europe to turn up heat on climate targets

Fresh from the launch of a trillion-euro bid to slash dependency on Middle East oil and Russian gas, Europe sets out this week its most ambitious targets yet to offset climate change.

China says it wants green growth within five years

China, the world's biggest polluter, plans to "go green" in the next five years, emphasising energy efficiency and the battle on its choking pollution in its plans to revamp the economy, experts say.

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