Industrialization weakens important carbon sink

Australian scientists have reconstructed the past six thousand years in estuary sedimentation records to look for changes in plant and algae abundance. Their findings, published in Global Change Biology, show an increase ...

Researchers discover two early stages of carbon nanotube growth

Boston College researchers have discovered two early-stage phases of carbon nanotube growth during plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition, finding a disorderly tangle of tube growth that ultimately yields to orderly rows ...

Improving batteries' energy storage

MIT researchers have found a way to improve the energy density of a type of battery known as lithium-air (or lithium-oxygen) batteries, producing a device that could potentially pack several times more energy per pound than ...

Hydrogen may be key to growth of high-quality graphene

A new approach to growing graphene greatly reduces problems that have plagued researchers in the past and clears a path to the crystalline form of graphite's use in sophisticated electronic devices of tomorrow.

Research explains mystery of ocean sediment

( -- New research by an international team of researchers has revealed the previously unidentified role that fish play in the production of sediments in the world's oceans.

Researcher investigates new material grown from sugar

( -- Ordinary table sugar could be a key ingredient to developing much lighter, faster, cheaper, denser and more robust computer electronics for use on U.S. military aircraft.

Ultrashort laser ablation enables novel metal films

Laser ablation is well known in medical applications like dermatology and dentistry, and for more than a decade it has been used to vaporize materials that are difficult to evaporate for high-tech applications like deposition ...

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