Forest regeneration projects failing to offset carbon emissions

Forest regeneration projects that have received tens of millions of carbon credits and dominate Australia's carbon offset scheme have had negligible impact on woody vegetation cover and carbon sequestration, new research ...

Making sense of virtual assets

When the word "property" comes to mind, most people will relate it to land and real estate, which for the most part have clear laws related to their use and sale. The rights of people who deal in assets such as digital currency ...

Tempers fray over Russian block at climate talks

A key panel at UN climate talks in Bonn went into deep freeze on Tuesday as Russia ignored pleas to end a procedural protest, according to a webcast of the meeting and sources there.

China to become 'global leader in green tech'

China can become the world's top exporter of "green technology" if it carries out crucial energy and ecological reforms, leading environmental campaigners said here Saturday.

Carbon offsets: a booming market or greenwashing?

Corporate carbon polluters plant trees to counter their CO2 emissions, but activists warn against greenwashing and say such afforestation schemes detract from the emissions reductions needed to combat climate change.

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