Getting cars onto the road faster

Auto manufacturers are looking for shorter production times, faster logistics processes, new materials and technologies. A novel software platform will help companies to achieve these goals by reducing not only the development ...

Premier: China won't block rare earth exports

(AP) -- China is not using its control over supplies of rare earth - exotic metals crucial in advanced manufacturing - as a diplomatic "bargaining chip," state media quoted Premier Wen Jiabao as saying during a visit to ...

EU push for car CO2 cuts faces industry, green flak

The European Commission pushed Wednesday for cuts in automobile carbon emissions but environmentalists said the plans did not go far enough while car makers warned that it would hurt the industry.

Drug industry's carbon impact could be cut by half

In a first-of-its-kind analysis, Cornell researchers and partners at the Clinton Health Access Initiative found that pharmaceutical producers could reduce their environmental impact by roughly half by optimizing manufacturing ...

Scientists prevent hacker attacks on cars

Today, many cars are offering a digital gateway which hackers can misuse. Scientists at the Competence Center for IT Security at Saarland University and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence have therefore ...

India designs its own image as global power

Brand India is the name of the organisation that since the late 1990's has been tasked with convincing international corporations and heads of state that they should invest in new, modern India. In return for their investment, ...

Toward safer, longer-lasting batteries for electronics and vehicles

The rise of lithium-ion batteries over the past 25 years has enabled much of today's technology, but on occasion, they still catch fire. Recognizing this liability, carmakers and other private industry researchers are focusing ...

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