Proton goes Dutch in electric car tie-up

Malaysian automaker Proton has said it will manufacture electric cars for eco-conscious markets in Europe and the United States, in a deal with Netherlands-based Detroit Electric.

Why lockdown had little to no effect on global temperatures

Countries across the world took unprecedented action in the first few months of 2020 to control the spread of COVID-19. At its peak, one-third of the world's population was in lockdown. Around the world, car travel fell by ...

Gaining more control over fuel cell membranes

More organization at the molecular level could improve the efficiency of membranes used in the hydrogen fuel cells that provide energy to electric cars and other industrial applications, according to a review published in ...

Driverless cars are going to disrupt the airline industry

As driverless cars become more capable and more common, they will change people's travel habits not only around their own communities but across much larger distances. Our research has revealed just how much people's travel ...

New power supply unit lets electrical devices live longer

From the charging unit for smartphones to the power supply of the laptop or washing machine to LED lights or charging stations of electric cars – switching power supplies are omnipresent in electrical devices. They convert ...

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