Rising fuel price casts shadow on Geneva auto show

(AP) -- The car industry, it seems, just can't get a break. Just when automakers thought it safe to roll out new models in the wake of the devastating economic crisis - 170 premiers are advertised for the Geneva Auto Show ...

Normal air could halve fuel consumption

Every time a car brakes, energy is generated. At present this energy is not used, but new research shows that it is perfectly possible to save it for later use in the form of compressed air. It can then provide extra power ...

Hawaii expands push to fuel hydrogen cars

Hawaii may be the first state in the nation to successfully build a fueling infrastructure that will support thousands of hydrogen fuel cell cars.

Novel fuel cell catalyst lowers need for precious metal

Fuel cells could create a breakthrough for electric cars, because refuelling them is fast and easy, just like your traditional gas guzzler. But there's an obstacle. Current fuel cells need platinum in order to work. And that's ...

Cutting fuel usage in new project

Researchers from the University of Bath are embarking on a new project to achieve a ground breaking 35 per cent reduction in car fuel usage that will decrease running costs and cut carbon emissions.

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