BMW sued in US over diesel emissions

German luxury carmaker BMW has been sued in the United States over "defeat devices" installed in tens of thousands of vehicles in order to cheat diesel emissions tests, lawyers for the plaintiffs said Tuesday.

Finland plans to phase out coal by 2030 (Update)

In a move to cut greenhouse gas emissions, Finland on Thursday announced plans to phase out coal within 14 years, cut oil imports by half and substantially increase the number of electric cars on the roads—partly to meet ...

Cutting fuel usage in new project

Researchers from the University of Bath are embarking on a new project to achieve a ground breaking 35 per cent reduction in car fuel usage that will decrease running costs and cut carbon emissions.

BMW, Mazda lead the way as auto emissions fall: survey

BMW and Mazda lead the way in cutting auto emissions, well ahead of their rivals in the hunt for cleaner cars as new European Union targets begin to bear green fruit, a report showed Tuesday.

Delhi suffocates under toxic smog but millions go without masks

A thick grey smog choked New Delhi for the fifth day Saturday, adding to a mounting pollution health crisis, but retired naval commander Anil Charan is one of the vast majority of the city's 20 million inhabitants who do ...

Alternative-fuel cars are no carbon cure-all

( —Making cars more fuel-efficient is great for reducing greenhouse gas emissions, but rather than promoting sales of electric and other alternative-fuel vehicles, policymakers should turn their focus to cutting ...

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