China says its car boom is ruining air quality

China's booming car sales have had a devastating effect on the environment, the national environmental watchdog has warned in its first-ever report on pollution caused by vehicle emissions.

Cutting fuel usage in new project

Researchers from the University of Bath are embarking on a new project to achieve a ground breaking 35 per cent reduction in car fuel usage that will decrease running costs and cut carbon emissions.

Natural gas fuelled cars for the country environmentally friendly

If you are looking for an environmentally friendly automobile, think about getting a hybrid car or one running on natural-gas. In terms of CO2 emissions both perform significantly better than gasoline or diesel fuelled vehicles. ...

Finland aims to build first ever green highway

Finland wants to build the world's first "green highway," with service stations offering charging points for electric cars and pumps filled with local biofuels, the project manager said Thursday.

Sparks Fly over Electric Car Funding

As the Senate struggles with energy legislation this week, one of the few fixes with bipartisan support is a bill that would invest billions in putting electric-powered cars and trucks on the road. But it’s not clear whether ...

Nations to seek clean energy cooperation

The world's top economies will look next week at ways to work together on clean energy, striking a rare note of cooperation amid an impasse in drafting a new climate change treaty.

Obama to unveil new vehicle emission policy

US President Barack Obama will unveil a new national policy on fuel efficiency and vehicle emissions Friday, including support to develop electric cars, the White House said.

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