Yahoo! in online ad alliance with Google

Yahoo! on Wednesday announced an advertising alliance with Google, the company that dethroned the pioneering Internet firm in the world of Internet search.

Smartphones fueling smarter cars, safer drivers

One of the most innovative automotive technologies at this week's Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas is something most drivers already own: a smartphone.

Driverless car concept gains traction at CES

Automakers and technology firms are jumping on the bandwagon of the driverless car, which remains a concept as well as a platform for new technologies to improve safety on the road.

Murata turns to tiniest device for big business

(AP)—Small is big for Murata: The Japanese electronics maker has developed the world's tiniest version of a component known as the capacitor. And that's potentially big business.

Security experts warn of risky attacks on tech-loaded cars

( -- Now that tiny computers and electronic communications systems are being designed into cars, hackers can look toward the car, like the PC, as potential roadkill. If cars are to become computers on wheels, a number ...

'Spectrum crunch' may slow US mobile revolution

The United States is bracing for a data crunch from the surging use of smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices as the explosion of Internet-ready devices eats up the radio spectrum allocated for mobile broadband.

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