Eavesdropping on lithium ions

(Phys.org) —Lithium ion batteries are at the energetic heart of almost all things tech, from cell phones to tablets to electric vehicles. That's because they are a proven technology, light, long-lasting and powerful. But ...

Volkswagen will debut XL1 hybrid at March auto show

(Phys.org)—Volkswagen will debut its XL1 two-seater, plug-in hybrid at the Geneva Auto Show in March. Publicity and blog previews are pointing to the car's considerable design and technical features. The company views its ...

Nano 'beads on a string' could advance battery technology

Tiny beads of silicon, about ten thousand times thinner than a piece of paper, could someday make electric vehicles travel farther on a single charge or extend the life of your laptop's battery, say scientists at the University ...

New metal alloy electrode designed for plus-sized ions

(PhysOrg.com) -- Storing energy from wind farms and releasing that electricity on demand requires high-capacity, low-cost batteries; sodium-ion batteries could be part of the answer now, thanks to fundamental insights garnered ...

Tin nanocrystals for the battery of the future

(Phys.org) —More powerful batteries could help electric cars achieve a considerably larger range and thus a breakthrough on the market. A new nanomaterial for lithium ion batteries developed in the labs of chemists at ETH ...

Review: Tesla's Model S is fast and fun

I am now a member of a select club: I'm one of the very few who has driven Tesla's new all-electric Model S luxury sedan.

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