China's drive for 'green' cars hits roadblocks

Foreign and domestic car makers are struggling to sell environmentally friendly vehicles in China, the world's largest auto market, even as Beijing pumps billions into clean energy.

Karma hybrid car offers earth-friendly luxury

Technology lovers stopped and stared as the world's first high-performance hybrid luxury sedan glided silently down a street outside the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas on Wednesday.

China cuts 2012 rare earths export quota

(AP) -- China announced a cut Tuesday in its rare earths export quota as it tries to shore up sagging prices for the exotic metals used in mobile phones and other high-tech goods.

Battery-powered Christmas carol: A trip down memory (effect) lane

( -- As consumers anticipate unwrapping the latest electronic gadget during the holidays, they may not give much thought to how long their shiny devices will last. But it's a topic under significant consideration ...

Mystery of car battery's current solved

( -- Chemists have solved the 150 year-old mystery of what gives the lead-acid battery, found under the bonnet of most cars, its unique ability to deliver a surge of current.

Smithsonian shows 100 years of electric car's past

(AP) -- The history of electric cars is going on display at the Smithsonian's National Museum of American History with two "electrifying cars" from the early 20th century.

Few Sparks: GM's underwhelming electric car program

For the first time since the late, lamented EV1 faded into oblivion in 2003, General Motors is back in the battery electric business, as it announces that it will roll out a plug-in version of the Spark minicar (it's also ...

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