Google releases more details on self-driving car accidents

Google is disclosing more details about the 12 accidents involving its self-driving cars so far as part of a commitment to provide monthly updates about the safety and performance of the vehicles.

Self-driving cars getting hit in California

Four of the nearly 50 self-driving cars now rolling around California have gotten into accidents since September, when the state began issuing permits for companies to test them on public roads.

Self-driving cars: why we can't expect them to be 'moral'

Ever since companies began developing self-driving cars, people have asked how designers will address the moral question of who a self-driving car should kill if a fatal crash is unavoidable. Recent research suggests this ...

Honda to install brake override systems on all models

Honda Motor said Thursday it is installing brake override safety systems in all of its same-name and Acura-brand vehicles in the future to improve car safety in the wake of recent recalls.

Sprayable foam that slows bleeding could save lives

Traumatic injuries, whether from serious car accidents, street violence or military combat, can lead to significant blood loss and death. But using a material derived from crustacean shells, scientists have now developed ...

British police get 360 degree accident scene camera

( -- When car accidents happen, typically road closures soon follow. This is because police need to study the scene to try to determine what happened, who was at fault, etc. Part of that investigation involves measuring ...

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