Scientists say cost of capturing CO2 declining

Technology now in limited use removes about 90 percent of carbon dioxide from the smokestacks of coal-fired power plants, but energy experts say cost remains the chief obstacle to bringing the "clean coal" touted by President ...

Six climate change solutions we can all agree on

In the U.S., few issues seem to be as divisive as climate change. Although the science is unequivocal, political polarization has taken climate change hostage. Fortunately, there are solutions that people on both sides of ...

Leaks will not sink carbon capture and storage

The case for carbon capture and storage—a promising method for reducing greenhouse gases—received a boost recently from a Princeton University study that indicated the procedure would not be prone to significant leakage ...

Video: Developing carbon management solutions

Global consumption of fossil fuels is causing atmospheric carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases to rise to levels that threaten human and environmental sustainability. These gases warm the planet and negatively impact ...

Team refines filters for greener natural gas

Natural gas producers want to draw all the methane they can from a well while sequestering as much carbon dioxide as possible, and could use filters that optimize either carbon capture or methane flow. No single filter will ...

Action is needed to make stagnant CO2 emissions fall: research

Without a significant effort to reduce greenhouse gases, including an accelerated deployment of technologies for capturing atmospheric carbon and storing it underground, and sustained growth in renewables such as wind and ...

Energy Dept. offers $2B loan to La. carbon-storage project

The Energy Department said Wednesday it is offering a conditional, $2 billion loan guarantee to capture and store carbon dioxide at a planned Louisiana methanol plant, the latest element of President Barack Obama's strategy ...

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