The recession hits science

The lagging economy is hurting Massachusetts' vaunted life-sciences industry, and might especially hinder the development of new drugs, according to a report released today by MIT researchers.

Study examines death penalty support in Mexico

In sharp contrast to previous studies of public support for the death penalty conducted in the U.S., Catholics in Mexico were found to be more likely to support capital punishment, while older Mexicans and those living in ...

How to fix the movement for fossil fuel divestment

Bankers and environmentalists alike are increasingly calling for capital markets to play a bigger role in the war on carbon. In the absence of a meaningful global price on carbon, however, capital continues to flow freely ...

Online ReputationDefender wins investor backing

ReputationDefender announced on Tuesday that it has won 8.65 million dollars in venture capital backing for the company, which is devoted to protecting people's Internet personae.

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