IBM to ship z196 - world's fastest microprocessor

IBM has recently announced details of the world's fastest computer chip -- the microprocessor in a new version of the IBM mainframe that begins shipping to customers on Sept. 10.

PlayStation 3 memory beefed up in North America

Sony Computer Entertainment America announced Tuesday it is beefing up the storage capacity of PlayStation 3 (PS3) videogame consoles that will be available in North America.

New Study Sheds Light on U.S. Wind Power Market

( -- The U.S. was one of the fastest-growing wind power markets in the world in 2009, second only to China, according to a report released today by the U.S. Department of Energy and prepared by Lawrence Berkeley ...

Students get a feel for soil-water relationships

Using little more than PVC rings, a trashcan, and a scale, students can literally get a feel for soil water retention and field capacity, concepts that are important and useful in fields from farming to engineering.

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