Upgrading the vanadium redox battery

Though considered a promising large-scale energy storage device, the vanadium redox battery's use has been limited by its inability to work well in a wide range of temperatures and its high cost. But new research indicates ...

Singapore to triple desalination capacity by 2013

Singapore will more than triple its desalinated water capacity in two years' time when the country's second and largest desalination plant starts operations, the government said Monday.

In Holland, land of windmills, flap over wind farm

On an outcrop near this town's lighthouse, a woman in stone perpetually scans the horizon for the fishing fleet returning home. To the dismay of townspeople, her view may soon be obscured by some of the world's tallest wind ...

New data storage method optimized

Increasingly more memory on increasingly smaller surfaces; the storage capacity on mobile equipment is improving every day. Johan Engelen from the MESA+ Institute for Nanotechnology of the University of Twente (The Netherlands) ...

Hong Kong researchers store data in bacteria

The US' national archives occupy more than 500 miles (800 kilometres) of shelving; France's archives stretch for more than 100 miles of shelves, as do Britain's.

Gadget show to bring fiercer competition to iPad

(AP) -- Apple Inc.'s popular iPad is getting its strongest competition thus far as consumer-electronics manufacturers unveil tablet computers with bigger screens, front-facing cameras for video chatting and more.

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