Alstom to build Israeli hydro power storage plant

French engineering group Alstom has won a contract worth 120 million euros ($163 million) to build Israel's first hydroelectric storage facility, the company said on Thursday.

So, who owns the Internet?

A clash over who should decide which information flows through Internet networks—and at what price—is now before a Washington, D.C., federal appeals court in a landmark case that could grant Internet service providers ...

New sorbents efficiently extract uranium from seawater

( —Uranium mining for the nuclear industry causes immense environmental damage, which becomes more severe as reserves are depleted. The isolation of uranium from seawater would be a much more environmentally friendly ...

Storage heaters as buffers for wind power

As reported in the latest issue of Pictures of the Future, Siemens and RWE are planning to use storage heaters to make surplus solar and wind power more usable. In the RWE Wind Heating project, the two companies have worked ...

Are animals as smart, or as dumb, as we think they are?

Does my dog only think of eating, sleeping and chasing squirrels? Does my girlfriend's cat really have the capacity to plot my accidental death? Are cows just walking hamburgers and pigeons intent on world domination?

A fresh solution for the lindane problem

For many years two companies located in Bizkaia, Bilbao Chemicals (Barakaldo 1947-1987) and Nexana (Erandio 1952-1982), had been manufacturing lindane and dumping it into the environment with no control whatsoever. Today ...

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