Arctic ice cap 'to disappear in future summers'

The Arctic ice cap will disappear completely in summer months within 20 to 30 years, a polar research team said as they presented findings from an expedition led by adventurer Pen Hadow.

Next: the pill bottle cap with a cell phone

(AP) -- IPhones aren't the only cutting-edge devices on AT&T Inc.'s wireless network. A startup is set to announce that it's making pill-bottle caps that use Ma Bell's network to remind you to take your medicine.

It's a grind to make Mars red

( -- The widespread idea that Mars is red due to rocks being rusted by the water that once flooded the red planet may be wrong. Recent laboratory studies show that the red dust may be formed by ongoing grinding ...

Melting of the Greenland ice sheet mapped

Will all of the ice on Greenland melt and flow out into the sea, bringing about a colossal rise in ocean levels on Earth, as the global temperature rises? The key concern is how stable the ice cap actually is and new Danish ...

Beetles, wildfire: Double threat in warming world

(AP) -- A veil of smoke settled over the forest in the shadow of the St. Elias Mountains, in a wilderness whose spruce trees stood tall and gray, a deathly gray even in the greenest heart of a Yukon summer.

New proxy reveals how humans have disrupted the nitrogen cycle

More and more, scientists are getting a better grip on the nitrogen cycle. They are learning about sources of nitrogen and how this element changes as it loops from the nonliving, such as the atmosphere, soil or water, to ...

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