Mapping Connecticut's understory from outer space

Distinguishing separate plant species from one another is hard even for human eyes; however, a team of UConn researchers was able to use data from a satellite nearly 500 miles (786km) above Earth's surface to map Connecticut's ...

LA lawns lose lots of water: 70B gallons a year

In summer 2010, Los Angeles was losing about 100 gallons of water per person per day to the atmosphere through the evaporation and plant uptake of lawns and trees. Lawns accounted for 70 percent of the water loss, while trees ...

Researchers study how urban trees affect environment

Everyone knows that trees provide shade. What may be less obvious are their contributions to evaporative cooling. Think of tree roots drawing water from the ground and pumping it to their leaves, which effectively sweat H2O, ...

Britain scrambles to contain deadly ash tree disease

The British government convened its emergency crisis committee on Friday to discuss how to contain a fungal disease threatening ash trees that has already wiped out swathes of woodland in Denmark.

First European map of the insulating effect of forests

To cool off in summer, there's nothing better than a walk in the woods. Trees act as a buffer that cools the air beneath their foliage in summer and warms it in winter. This phenomenon is caused not only by the protection ...

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