Coffee for the birds

Coffee grown under a tree canopy is promoted as good habitat for birds, but recent University of Delaware research shows that some of these coffee farms may not be as friendly to our feathered friends as advertised.

Cities throw shade at rising heat

Rudy Lane is a two-lane road that curves through the leafy suburb of Windy Hills east of Louisville, Ky. Broadway is a main drag downtown where the federal and state courthouses bump up against the 1920s-era Brown Hotel.

Tree-killing insect emerald ash borer found in Georgia

For years, foresters and invasive insect experts—including those at the University of Georgia—have been on the lookout for the arrival of an unwelcome guest in Georgia. Now that the emerald ash borer is here, they are ...

To get to the rainforest canopy, it helps to have a crane

When you walk through a rainforest, you might feel like you're missing out. You can hear birdsong and insect noises from way up high. For decades, the rainforest canopy was called "the last biotic frontier," due to the sheer ...

Earth's soils are under threat, scientists warn in Nature

The planet's soils are under greater threat than ever before, at a time when we need to draw on their vital role to support life more than ever, warns an expert from the University of Sheffield today in the journal Nature.

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